The biggest surprise of 2014 was the collapsing oil price, which was slashed by half thanks to an increase of supply. Prospects are that prices will increase slowly to USD 70 in the next two years. This gives a boost to airline profits despite lowered expectations about the growth of the world economy. The Euro zone especially still struggles with ongoing economic problems, along with its legacy airlines who continue to face “Barbarians at the Gate”.
In our VZM Market Outlook 2015 for commercial aviation & maintenance we discuss the effect of lower fuel prices on the aviation industry. Will the MRO market take advantage from lower fuel prices, and OEMs take a hit due to deferred or cancelled orders? And will new technologies continue to be the harbinger of future change in business models driving partners to share common goals and cooperate to achieve them?
The Outlook is freely accessible for all subscribers to the VZM site in PDF format through our VZM Publications page. Subscription is free of charge and without any obligations. To become a subscriber of the VZM site and to have access to our Outlook simply click the Subscribe-link.
A hardcopy is available on request.