VZM Management Services

VZM Publications



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 Available VZM publications


VZM Market Outlook 2025

March 2025

The 25th edition of the VZM Market Outlook for commercial aviation & maintenance about an aviation industry heating up amid hot spots and shortages.

On the download page you will find also previous editions of the Market Outlook

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Is the aviation industry capable of really putting people first?

September 2023

The aviation industry’s future is clouded by staff shortages, which means the industry needs to become smarter attracting and retaining people and value them as real assets. A summary of the discussions of the Diversium.

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Improving the lease aircraft transfer

July 2023

Key solution areas to improve the often complex and difficult to control process of lease aircraft transfers.

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Are airlines and MROs able to handle all the challenges they face?

June 2022

The industry is confronted with many external challenges, such as possible return of corona, the Ukraine war, inflation and general economic circumstances. At the same time the industry is confronted with labor shortages and supply chain constraints. A summary of the discussions how to cope with these challenges with senior leaders from from the industry.

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Can we still prevent MROs from grounding our aircraft?

June 2019

Strong market growth in recent years has exacerbated the capacity constraints such as labor shortages and part supply hick-ups. Issues that need to be addressed now as it will hinder future MRO activity and growth.  A summary of the discussions about this topic with senior leaders from from the industry.

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Can airlines still expect service from its consolidating suppliers?

June 2018

With increased consolidation of the suppliers in the commercial aviation market the risk might be that service will deteriorate as the dominance of these consolidating suppliers increases and their organizations are becoming very complex. A summary of lively discussions about this topic with senior leaders from different players in the industry.

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Can airlines still be in control of their own maintenance costs?

November 2016

In a market with new technologies, increased dominance of OEMs in aftermarket and Big Data, how can airlines reduce and control their costs and how can suppliers help? A summary of discussions with senior leaders from the industry exchanging their experiences and challenges.

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What are opportunities of airline group maintenance consolidations?

February 2015

Airline groups are consolidating the maintenance within the group. A summary of discussions with senior leaders from the industry on experiences, challenges and benefits.

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Have we found the optimum outsource strategy yet?

June 2012

Summary of discussions with senior leaders from airlines, MROs, OEMs and other industry suppliers about how to further improve outsourcing and the effect of the latest generation of aircraft.

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Is there any future for the Heavy Maintenance business?

June 2010

A summary of the discussions at VZM’s Diversium with senior leaders from airlines, MROs, OEMs, other industry suppliers on the benefits of equalized maintenance concepts and how it can affect the aircraft maintenance business.

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Are there any costs left to cut?

June 2009

A summary of the discussions at VZM’s Diversium with senior leaders from airlines, MROs, OEMs, part suppliers and other industry suppliers on what possibilities there still are to reduce costs. Topics addressed were improvement of organization and processes, value chain optimization, supply chain and logistics and manpower.

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How to deal with manpower shortages?

November 2007

A summary of the discussions at VZM’s Diversium with leaders from the MRO industry, one of the unions and manpower suppliers – all in the Netherlands and Belgium. Among the topics discussed were: how to prevent people leaving, increase productivity, flexibilsation and effects of the shortages.

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MRO’s Role in the New Low Cost Airline Model

March 2004

A summary of the discussions at VZM’s first Diversium in North America, attended by senior members of the aviation community. The overall focus was around how MROs should adjust to the new business models developed by the low cost airlines that have been growing in popularity over the past few years.

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The post 9-11 Aircraft Maintenance Business

April 2002

A summary of the discussions at VZM’s third Diversium attended by an international group of leaders in the aviation industry. Central theme was the forming of global operating MROs and the future of smaller (independent) companies.

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Globalization of the MRO business: Opportunity or Threat?

May 2000

The kick-off presentation at EATS’ first maintenance training conference at Berlin covers the latest market developments in the commercial aviation MRO industry and VZM’s view of the future.

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7 Ways to Enhance Your Business

Spring 2012

This presentation discusses 7 ways to enhance your business, using VZM experiences with each of them.

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 EATS 2007 – Aviation Maintenance Market Outlook

October 2007

The kick-off presentation at EATS’ first maintenance training conference at Berlin covers the latest market developments in the commercial aviation MRO industry and VZM’s view of the future.

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Total Service Package proposal development

April 2002

Describes the advantages and risks of total service packages and how to make such arrangements a success.

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